Recognised overseas pension schemes notification list

Document type

Detailed guide

When to use

Use this pattern when updating Check the recognised overseas pension schemes notification list.

How it works

  1. Delete all the 'Changes' tables in the list
  2. Add, amend or delete the relevant entries on the ROPS list
  3. Add a 'Changes' table at the end of each country you update, and for the change use 'Added', 'Amended' or 'Deleted' - if the name of a scheme has changed, put the old name in brackets, for example: 'Booster SuperScheme (previously Fidelity Super-Super Plan)'
  4. Do not include any company names in the change note, for example 'The recognised overseas pension schemes notification list has been updated, with (number) schemes added and (number) removed'
                  ## About this list

## Countries - A to Z

### Country name

The requirements to be a ROPS changed from 6 April 2017. You’ll need to check that the scheme you’re transferring to on or after that date meets the new requirements.

HMRC cannot guarantee these are ROPS or that any transfers to them will be free of UK tax. It’s your responsibility to find out if you have to pay tax on any transfer of pension savings. Find out more about [Overseas pension schemes](

| ROPS | Country |

###Changes for country name at date of publish

| ROPS name | Change |