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Forms: check which document type to use

This pattern is archived

When adding a form to a GOV.UK page, you must decide whether to use a detailed guide or publication document type.

When to use a detailed guide

You will normally use a detailed guide when:

  • the form is an alternative way to complete a task (and the main way to complete the task is covered in a detailed guide)
  • we want the user to read guidance about the task before they complete the form
  • the form is the way a user completes the task covered in the detailed guide

When to use a publication

You will normally use a publication when the form:

  • could be used and linked to from multiple pieces of guidance
  • may be used multiple times by the same user and that the priority is getting access to the form, rather than any guidance that may sit around it

Do not use a publication if you need the users to read any information on the page before they access the form.