HMRC email updates, videos, webinars and community forums
When to use
Use this pattern to design new or existing content that includes email updates, videos, webinars and community forums. It may also sometimes include e-learning and guidance.
When not to use
Do not use this pattern if you’re just adding a video to a piece of guidance.
How to design using this pattern
Document type
Detailed guide
The title should:
- list the products in the order they appear on the page
- describe the topic or audience
HMRC email updates, videos and webinars [about/for/for the/if] [topic or audience]
For example: ‘HMRC email updates, videos and webinars for VAT’.
The summary should start with ‘Learn more about...’ and then explain what the guidance is about.
For example:
- ‘Learn more about paying tax and keeping records as a property landlord.’
- ‘Learn more about VAT including accounting schemes, VAT returns and keeping records.’
Do not include numbers in section headings.
Introductory text
Use this introductory text on all pages:
## Subscribe to receive email updates
Subscribe to the [HMRC help and support email service]( to get information on a wide range of topics for individuals, businesses, employers and agents.
You can also:
* make changes to your topic subscriptions
* unsubscribe from the service whenever you want
## Registering and joining webinars
You can register for webinars in advance but we recommend you join each webinar 5 minutes before the start.
How to format the text
Order of learning products
List products in this order:
- YouTube videos
- upcoming webinars
- recorded webinars
- e-learning or guidance
- HMRC community forums
Use descriptive level 2 headings to tell the user what they will learn.
Below the heading, describe the action users will take and what they will learn. Then link to the product.
After that, link to relevant guidance (if appropriate).
Linking to YouTube videos on most pages
## [sub topic]
Watch a video [about/to find out] [sub topic].
[Title of video](link).
You will [find out/learn about]:
* [detail]
* [detail]
For example:
## Managing your tax credits
Watch a video about how to manage your tax credits.
[How do I manage my tax credits?](
You will find out how to manage your tax credits to get the money you’re entitled to and how to:
- identify what qualifies as a change of circumstance
- inform HMRC of a change of circumstance
- understand what you need to do throughout the lifetime of your tax credits claim
Linking to YouTube videos on international trade and UK transition pages
On international trade and UK transition pages, use this example instead:
## [topic]
### [video title]
Watch a video [about/to find out] [sub topic].
[Title of video](link).
You will [find out/learn about]:
* [detail]
* [detail]
Linking to a collection of YouTube videos
## [sub topic]
Watch a collection of videos [about/to find out] [sub topic].
[Title of video](link).
You will [find out/learn about]:
* [detail]
* [detail]
For example:
## If you’re a new employer
Watch a collection of videos to find out what to do if you’re a new employer.
[Help for new employers](
You will learn about:
* P2 tax notices, including what you need to do if you receive one
* payroll software and how to use it to send reports to HMRC
* how to deal with payments to previous employees
* how to deal with a change to an employee’s payroll ID
* submitting Earlier Year Updates (EYUs)
* when and how to pay PAYE
* HMRC support if you’re unable to pay a tax debt
Linking to upcoming webinars
## [sub topic]
### [Live webinar]
Register for the next [live webinar about [sub topic]](link).
You will [find out/learn about]:
* [detail]
* [detail]
For example:
## New VAT reverse charge for construction services
### Live webinar
Register for the next [live webinar on the new VAT reverse charge for construction services](link).
If you’re in the Construction Industry Scheme, you will find out:
* if the changes affect you
* how the changes could impact your cashflow
* how to prepare for the change
Multiple webinars on the same sub topic
If you're publishing a live webinar that supersedes an existing webinar that has been recorded, and both will be listed under the same topic area:
- remove the bulleted list under the ‘recorded’ webinar
- add the bulleted list to the ‘live’ webinar only
Register for the next [live webinar about [sub topic]](link).
You will [find out/learn about]:
* [detail]
* [detail]
Watch a [recorded webinar about [same sub topic](link).
Linking to recorded webinars
## [sub topic]
### Live webinar
Watch a [recorded webinar about [sub topic]](link).
You will [find out/learn about]:
* [detail]
* [detail]
### Recorded webinar
Watch a [recorded webinar about [same sub topic](link).
For example:
## How to do your VAT Return
### Recorded webinar
Watch a [recorded webinar about VAT Returns](link).
You will learn about:
* how and when to send your VAT Return
* useful tips on how to complete a VAT Return
Linking to e-learning
Publish the e-learning in Documentum then add a link in the guidance.
Complete an [e-learning course about [sub topic]](link).
You will learn about:
* [detail]
* [detail]
For example:
## Accounting schemes
Complete an [e-learning course about accounting services](link).
You will learn about:
* Cash Accounting Scheme
* Flat Rate Scheme (FRS)
* Annual Accounting Scheme
Linking to related videos, webinars and guidance
## More information
Watch more [videos and webinars about related topic](link).
[Find out/Learn] more about [related topic](link).
For example:
Watch more [videos and webinars about the Construction Industry Scheme](link).
Find out more about [Inheritance Tax](link).
Linking to the HMRC community forums
Always include this text at the bottom of the page:
## HMRC community forums
You can use the [online HMRC community forums to ask questions](, see what others are asking and get answers.
Collection page
Add the URL of any new page to the HMRC email updates, videos, webinars and community forums collection. Do not create a public change note.
Associations and specialist sector tags
The collection page must be tagged to HMRC > Money > Dealing with HMRC.