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Page not found

Use the Page not found pattern from the GOV.UK Design System.

The GOV.UK Design System does not contain Welsh translations yet. The example includes recommended content in Welsh.

              <header class="hmrc-page-heading">
  <h1 class="govuk-heading-xl">Page not found</h1>

<p class="govuk-body">If you typed the web address, check it is correct.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">If you pasted the web address, check you copied the entire address.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">
  If the web address is correct or you selected a link or button, <a href="#" class="govuk-link">contact the Tax Credits Helpline if you need to speak to someone about your tax credits</a>.
                <header class="hmrc-page-heading">
  <h1 class="govuk-heading-xl">Heb ddod o hyd i’r dudalen</h1>

<p class="govuk-body">Os gwnaethoch deipio’r cyfeiriad gwe, dylech wirio ei fod yn gywir.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">Os gwnaethoch bastio’r cyfeiriad gwe, dylech wirio’ch bod wedi copïo’r cyfeiriad yn llawn.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">
  Os yw’r cyfeiriad gwe yn gywir neu os gwnaethoch ddewis cysylltiad neu fotwm, <a href="#" class="govuk-link">cysylltwch â Gwasanaeth Cwsmeriaid Cymraeg CThEM os oes angen i chi siarad â rhywun am eich credydau treth</a>.
                {% from "hmrc/components/page-heading/macro.njk"  import hmrcPageHeading %}

{{ hmrcPageHeading({
  text: 'Page not found'
}) }}

<p class="govuk-body">If you typed the web address, check it is correct.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">If you pasted the web address, check you copied the entire address.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">
  If the web address is correct or you selected a link or button, <a href="#" class="govuk-link">contact the Tax Credits Helpline if you need to speak to someone about your tax credits</a>.
                  {% from "hmrc/components/page-heading/macro.njk"  import hmrcPageHeading %}

{{ hmrcPageHeading({
  text: 'Heb ddod o hyd i’r dudalen'
}) }}

<p class="govuk-body">Os gwnaethoch deipio’r cyfeiriad gwe, dylech wirio ei fod yn gywir.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">Os gwnaethoch bastio’r cyfeiriad gwe, dylech wirio’ch bod wedi copïo’r cyfeiriad yn llawn.</p>

<p class="govuk-body">
  Os yw’r cyfeiriad gwe yn gywir neu os gwnaethoch ddewis cysylltiad neu fotwm, <a href="#" class="govuk-link">cysylltwch â Gwasanaeth Cwsmeriaid Cymraeg CThEM os oes angen i chi siarad â rhywun am eich credydau treth</a>.