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Confirmed identity

This pattern lets the user know we have confirmed their identity. This is part of confirming their identity when they sign in with a Government Gateway account for the first time.

When to use

Use this pattern when we can confirm the user’s identity.

There is also a pattern when we could not confirm their identity.

How it works

Use the standard page template from your service and have the same:

  • header
  • phase banner
  • footer

The page should have:

  • ‘We have confirmed your identity — service name — GOV.UK’ as the page title
  • ‘We have confirmed your identity’ as the <h1> page heading
  • a ‘Continue’ call to action
              <header class="hmrc-page-heading">
  <h1 class="govuk-heading-xl">We have confirmed your identity</h1>

<button type="submit" class="govuk-button" data-module="govuk-button">
                <header class="hmrc-page-heading">
  <h1 class="govuk-heading-xl">Rydym wedi cadarnhau pwy ydych</h1>

<button type="submit" class="govuk-button" data-module="govuk-button">
  Yn eich blaen
                {% from "hmrc/components/page-heading/macro.njk"  import hmrcPageHeading %}
{% from "govuk/components/button/macro.njk" import govukButton %}

{{ hmrcPageHeading({
  text: 'We have confirmed your identity'
}) }}

{{ govukButton({
  text: "Continue"
}) }}
                  {% from "hmrc/components/page-heading/macro.njk"  import hmrcPageHeading %}
{% from "govuk/components/button/macro.njk" import govukButton %}

{{ hmrcPageHeading({
  text: 'Rydym wedi cadarnhau pwy ydych'
}) }}

{{ govukButton({
  text: "Yn eich blaen"
}) }}

Do not use the confirmation page pattern because this is not the end of the user’s journey.


We need more research. If you have used confirmed identity, get in touch to share your research findings.

Discuss confirmed identity on GitHub